Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Blog # 9

Write about a character in your life.

Since Im kind of having trouble thinking of any particular friend or acquaintance with a specific character, I suppose I'll describe myself.
I'm a kind, loving, forgiving person who always tries his hardest at everything he does. If I ever let you down, it's because matters fell out of my control. I'm chronically forgetful and late, but I try not to let those kind of negative attributes be the characteristics that define me. I'm always striving to better myself, learn more, do better things, and not fall into the world's temptations that always seem lined up for me. I'm fascinated by things and concepts of high intelligence, but I still find much enjoyment in the simple things. I have a lot of God-given gifts, but I always try to remain humble about them rather than boast or brag. I try to do things against the world norm, because life wouldn't be nearly as wonderful if everyone bragged about their personal accomplishments every time one came to be mentioned.

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