Thursday, October 21, 2010

Blog #8

What do you think about cell phone etiquette? Texting in others' company, etc.

Well, I surprisingly have an honest, fair personal opinion about it. I've got a significant other that I text pretty much constantly, and even when I'm with her, I have other people I text, but whenever I'm with other people, and I get a text message, I'll generally wait to answer it until a convenient point. That's more polite to your company, and it's highly unlikely that the text is gonna be much more than pleasant conversation. It's a little different when I'm hangin out with all my friends, though, 'cause they don't care, and it'll only take a few seconds to text my woman; plus, they understand how it is. I guess I don't have too much of a problem with this because I don't spend all that much time with people that don't really matter to me, so the problem doesn't arise all that often. Either way, cell phone etiquette goes out the window if it's your parents; it's either answer 'em promptly, or suffer their ungodly wrath!

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