Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Blog #4

A "demon" in my own life is...

... my mind. All modesty aside, I'm a pretty bright kid. I make pretty good grades in school, I'm into a lot of academic activities, and I've got a good head on my shoulders. The only reason my mind's a demon is because of my ADD. I feel like I complain about it a whole lot, but it really does infect every aspect of everyday life. I can't remember important things that I learned the previous day, or that someone told me as I listened attentively just minutes before. I can't concentrate on schoolwork - or even having fun - because everything in the entire world tries to distract me. I can't focus my thoughts long enough to get anything accomplished. It's definitely my demon.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Blog # 3

Write about something that scares you.

Ever since I was a little kid, I never really was good at remembering the little things - what time I was supposed to eat, take medecine or somethin, or what somebody's name was, that kind of stuff. But now, it seems to be a lot worse. Every time that I fall asleep, I forget almost everything about the previous day. I can remember school things fairly well, but everything else - where I went, who I talked to , what I did, what I said - just kind of scraps for the next day. So, as you might have been able to deduce for yourself, I'm afraid of sleeping (or, more appropriately, I'm afraid of forgetting everything about the days I'm living). For the past few months, I've just tried to stay awake for as long as possible, which leads to only a couple of hours of sleep a night, at best, plus I STILL end up forgetting all of this stuff once I finally conk out. It just kind of scares me to lose everything. I would like to think it scares everyone, but I don't know if it does.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Blog #2

I used to think...

... that the clouds were made from the power plant steam towers. I used to think that millionaires got rich because they owned fountains and wishing wells. I used to think that Lunchables were the single finest form of dining. I used to think that I could fly - until I jumped off of playground equipment. I used to think that Blue Clues was the single greatest TV show known to mankind. I used to think that I was going to be a Wrestler/Astronaut combination when I grew up. I used to think that what other people think about me actually mattered - and it doesn't, in almost all cases. Haters gonna hate.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Blog # 1

Who/what is a hero?

Heroes are incredibly subjective to describe, because all heroes are different. Generally speaking, though, a hero has to be able to do what everyone else will be incapable of doing, once it finally comes down to it. Heroes have to do good, even if they aren't good themselves. Heroes must be bold and courageous, even if they seem imperfect at times. A hero never gives up until the battle is won, or until there's peace. A hero know what is right, and is willing to fight or even die for what's right. Heroes don't give in to temptation, don't turn to evil, but they may have to do evil to save the people they love, or the innocent lives in the balance. Heroes, above all, do what must be done, in the end, and make the right choice no matter what the cost.